WorldChangerVision / Tanzania
In the summer of 2015, Andreas and Tanja Walther went on a medical mission to Tanzania. However, it was God's plan that it should not just remain a simple medical mission. Through the encounter with the local people, God opened their hearts and a new idea was born: WorldChangerVision.
Past Charity Projects
- Help for Amina -
Amina is a lovely young girl from Tanzania who burned her arm with hot oil while cooking. When this accident happened, she was still studying at secondary school. Unfortunately, she had to quit this school directly because of this.
Since she would hardly have any job opportunities without a diploma, she studied at our WorldChanger vocational school and successfully completed her training as a sewing technician in April 2023. Amina lived in our boarding school and felt very comfortable there.
In the beginning, Amina had open wounds, which we managed to close completely by applying homemade Artemisia cream, among other things. After that, however, she increasingly suffered from contractures and pain.
Amina has been praying for a long time that Jesus would somehow help her. And indeed: only through God's work and an operation could her arm be completely healed again.
With God's help we found a German doctor who operated her in April 2023 - and all this in her home country Tanzania. She was still under medical treatment until August and we are thankful that the wound healing went well.
We were able to finance the surgery and her medical care solely through donations. A big thank you again to all sponsors and everyone who prayed for her.
- Save the leg of Babou -
Babou is a young man from Gambia who almost lost his leg and possibly his life in an accident at the age of 19. As if by a miracle of God, we got to know him and were able to bring him to Germany in 2021. Through God's work, numerous donations and good medical and therapeutic care, his leg was saved. In addition, he was lovingly cared for in a wonderful family.
We are full of joy that in 2022, after 1.5 years, Babou's leg was saved. Hallelujah! Because of the persistent infection, there were unplanned delays in the beginning and we needed a lot of patience and training after 9 surgeries. Thank you again to the many hardworking therapists, helpers, prayer partners and supporters. Your investment in Babou has paid off. He can now walk and live his life again. In November 2022, Babou returned to his home country Gambia. The joy was huge to see his siblings again. At the moment, he is studying hard with a private teacher in Gambia for his school-leaving certificate, which he definitely wants to obtain.
We continue to support him so that he can start a vocational training after his final exams.
Past News Babou

Abschiedsfeier von Babou
Wir sind Gott so dankbar, was er in dem Leben von Babou durch tolle Ärzte, Helfer, Beter und Spender bewirkt hat. Sein Bein konnte gerettet werden und auch wenn alles länger als erwartet gedauert hat, kann er seine Familie bald wieder in seine Arme schließen. Er ist ein starker junger Mensch, durch den auch andere Herzen sehr bewegt wurden.
Ein grosses Dankeschön an ALLE!!!

Ermutigung für Babou
Nach fast 4 Wochen Krankenhaus ist Babou manchmal verzweifelt. Aber wir können ihn trösten und ermutigen.
Babou liest gern in der Bibel. Er ist von Jesus begeistert und hat gesagt, dass er zu Ihm gehören will. Wir haben mit ihm gebetet.

OP-Vorbereitung in der Klinik
Vor der OP müssen noch ein CT und ein MRT stattfinden, um das Ausmaß der Knochenhautentzündung so genau wie möglich einschätzen zu können.
Außerdem klären wir Babou auf über Ziele und die Vorgehensweise sowie Risiken und Gefahren.
So kannst auch Du die Welt bewegen
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Unterstütze uns mit deinem Wirken und werde ein Weltbeweger!